Friday, January 4, 2008

View From a Balcony

(Summer in Mackay, North Queensland, 1977, by Marcelle)

One evening from my balcony I watched with glee,
as a charismatic male, living in a unit near me,
was positioning himself strategically,
beneath a lushly grown hibiscus bush. I felt that he
was preparing to pounce upon unwary prey,
or else on females confabulating in the cooling day.

He sat erect - quite still - attired immaculately
in whitely-gleaming tie and blackly-gleaming coat.
His slanted eyes stared straight ahead, deceptively:
aware green eyes, that held a panoramic view.
Decked out in unconscious arrogance, he seemed to be
the epitome of masochistic masculinity.

He moved a trifle in his place, and suddenly,
unknown by him, and by the merest chance,
a red hibiscus blossom fluttered down,
to lie exactly placed between his pointed ears.
And I blessed Nature for the happenstance
that changed a supercilious-looking cat into a clown.

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