Friday, January 4, 2008

Imagination at Work

Whenever I am working at my kitchen sink,
I find that it helps pass the time, to think.
And in Danny Kaye’s Walter Mitty style,
I’ll be wafted off to some distant isle.

Once in Hyde Park London in disguise,
I stood on a soapbox, to my surprise.
And as spectators gazed attentively,
words of wisdom poured from me.

Again, in cap and braid so grand,
I’d a fine male crew at my command.
And on a fast, tall-masted, clipper ship,
with a hold full of tea we had a record trip.

On occasions I have held the stage,
for my beauty, dears, was all the rage.
My fine acting was pronounced the best,
and before crowned heads it stood the test.

To those who shake their heads and sigh,
I say there’s more to me than meets the eye.
And to sum things up, perhaps they too ought,
when toiling in the kitchen, take time for thought.

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